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Upcoming trainings

  • Coachande ledarskap
    Coachande ledarskap
    Mar 20, 2025, 9:00 AM – Mar 21, 2025, 4:30 PM
    Stockholm, Nu 25% rabatt boka din plats för 11 625 kr exkl moms
    Coachande ledarskap bidrar till ökad tillit, psykologisk trygghet och reell utveckling.
  • Diplomerad Coach ICF Level 1
    Diplomerad Coach ICF Level 1
    Sep 11, 2025, 9:00 AM – Dec 05, 2025, 4:00 PM
    Stockholm, Investering: 44 900 kr exkl moms
    Utbildningen för dig som vill bli professionell coach eller som chef ta ditt ledarskap till nästa nivå.
  • Coaching Leadership
    Coaching Leadership
    Oct 02, 2025, 9:00 AM – Oct 03, 2025, 4:30 PM
    Stockholm, Investment: 13 900 kr exkl moms
    Coaching leadership contributes to increased trust, psychological safety and real growth.

Training through our network

Through our network, we can offer a variety of open conceptual training courses in leadership and communication with the most experienced and competent trainers in their field.


Open training courses in collaboration with network partners:


  • MI (Motivational Interviewing)

  • Career coach

  • Duo Coaching

  • Conversation methodology

  • Change management

  • Group and Leader Development (UGL)

  • Developmental Leadership (UL)

  • Indirect Leadership (IL)


Please contact us if you would like dates for any of our partners' training courses.



Inspirational lectures can have many different purposes. Maybe you need to kickstart a change process with a little extra boost. Or are you looking for a thought-provoking activity that will end the conference and send participants home with positive energy? Get in touch with us! We have lectures that provoke thoughts, give energy and start processes.


In our broad network, there are many talented lecturers who are passionate about their specialist areas within leadership, communication, group dynamics, conflict management, influence psychology, change management, etc. With the breadth we have, we can always adapt to your wishes.


The lectures are always given with interaction from the audience, where one extreme is a pure lecture with a question and answer session at the end and the other extreme is a workshop-like lecture where the audience is involved from the start.


Below you will find a selection of the lectures in 2025.

To play in the top league

What the corporate world can learn from elite sports

With over 20 years of experience working in elite sports and working life, Lars has gathered information about what really separates the winners from the losers in terms of attitude, motivation, and behavior.


In this lecture, you will learn what individual elite athletes and successful teams have in common, what a winner looks like and how everyone can become a winner even outside of sports.


If you want to know what really separates the wheat from the chaff, even outside the world of elite sports, this lecture is for you.

Golfer hitting golf

The magic formula for change

Everyone changes when the pain point is reached

We live in constant change. The new time is here and it is new every day. What is it that makes changes often difficult? How do you change an unwanted behavior in yourself? What are the keys to success in a change process?


In this lecture, you will gain a better understanding of the crucial factors that complicate and simplify change processes. You will also learn some of the most important keys to successful behavioral change in yourself or your organization.


Human Insight 2.0

Sharpen your ability to read others' need-driven actions

When you're tired of being surrounded by idiots and have become curious about how DISC can actually be used for real.


During the lecture you will receive some simple and quickly applicable tips for sorting out the unsorted overall impression that others give. What do they say, why do they say it and, above all, how is it expressed.


You will become better at quickly determining what preferences an individual exhibits and based on that, increase the quality of your communication with them.


The Shadow Side

En manual för att leda dina svåraste medarbetare

It's often difficult to appreciate your employees when they're at their most difficult. With the right approach, you can at least give the person a chance. There are always two sides to the same coin.

During this lecture you will receive some simple and immediately useful techniques for recognizing destructive behaviors and techniques for dealing with people who show their less than pleasant sides.

Best team

The invisible that is visible in the result

In a world of ever-increasing change, interdependencies, and new business opportunities, there is a growing need to optimize the way people work together. We have no time for pseudo-conflicts or unnecessary power struggles. If the team can't perform together, another team that can will outpace us faster than we can sort out our internal problems.


Psychological safety is a major contributing factor to our ability to focus on what we are good at and accept the differences we may perceive in our colleagues.


But what are the critical factors that create psychological safety in a group and what are the latest findings in brain research? And how can they help leaders create what we call psychological safety? These are some of the questions that this lecture can answer.

Team Talk

Contact for lectures / workshops

Thank you for your inquiry! We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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